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I love to go to work with my mom, Dawn Lanning! I'm a licensed therapy dog. I love seeing the kids, attending school events and supporting students when they need me!
I'm a proud member of the Alliance of Therapy Dogs. This means I can help, love, and comfort students and staff alike! I love going to work with my mom, Julie Hesse. I get to listen to kids read, help students with test anxiety, and visit anyone who is sad!
I come to school at Olympia South 2 days per week. I love coming to school to see my friends while I also love to receive many pets and smiles. While I am at work I support students who need help regulating their emotions, or need extra support during the day.
I was trained by and matched with Kelli Brown (Mom) through Paws Giving Independence (PGI) to be a facility dog. I look forward to coming to work every day. I am bring joy to the Olympia Middle/High School Students and Staff.
Bethany Hoffert will be keeping her day job as a fantastic psychologist for now. Will professional bowler be next? She is the highest scorer at TCSEA.
I can always count of Julie Hesse's skills as a school psychologist when the chips are down, but today she won some chips for the first strike!
All of Illinois was frozen with the exception of the Bison's Hockey Rink. Even though the game was cancelled, we had fun!